I used to love running. I was never really good at it. And I've yet to be able to run a solid mile without stopping to walk some of it. But the challenge of running a little more this time than I did the last time, 3-4 times a week, was such a great motivation for me. And running was one of the only ways I was able to take weight off and keep it off.
Sooooo, fine. Tomorrow I'm going to march my ass down to the 24 Hour Fitness a few blocks from my house and sign my life over to them. If my friend K can run marathons and brave mountain lions (well, apparently her running companion dog is pretty big and scary), I can drag my sorry butt to the gym 3-4 times a week and wheeze on a treadmill.
i go to 24 hour fitness too. I like it - the kids have a great time in the play area and I bum around on the cardio machines. I usually do the elliptical because if I do the treadmill for too long I get all dizzy when I stop, but i'm going to start adding in a little for variation. I might even try to stairmaster, but they have the ones that are like escalators and you can't take little cheater half steps so that might be too hard for me. Good luck!
Yes exactly, in some moments I can reveal that I agree with you, but you may be considering other options.
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I noticed the catch-phrase you have in the offing not used. Or you use the dark methods of helping of the resource. I suffer with a week and do necheg
Sarah I have been reading some of your older posts (08) and then this one...and I really like your style..you are writing what I am thinking...I am laughing over my Sunday coffee. I wish you were still writing about running.... Have a great day.
Marie in Vermont
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